How To Study Neuroscience On Your Own: Tips & Resources

12 minutes read
Sep 25, 2023

If you want to know How to study Neuroscience on your own? You are at the right place. In this latest post, we will explore:

  • How To Study Neuroscience On Your Own. Top 11 Tips
  • Why You Should Study Neuroscience on Your Own
  • Is It Hard To Study Neuroscience?
  • Neuroscience Courses And Their Specialty
  • What Is Computational Neuroscience?
  • What Is Cognitive Neuroscience?
  • Difference Between Neuroscience And Cognitive Science

And many more that can be helpful for you. So, without any delay, let’s get started.

Key Takeaway

  • Independent Neuroscience: Self-studying neuroscience offers flexibility and tailored learning, opening doors to diverse interests and career prospects.
  • Start Smart: Begin with fundamentals, set clear goals, and stay organized. Utilize online courses, textbooks, and neuroscience websites.
  • Personal Growth: Understanding the brain boosts empathy, intellectual stimulation, and real-world applications. Dive into cognitive and computational neuroscience for a fascinating journey.

How To Study Neuroscience On Your Own? Top 11 Tips

Studying neuroscience on your own can be a fascinating journey into the workings of the nervous system and the brain’s inner workings. Self-studying neuroscience is a rewarding journey, regardless of whether you’re a student who aspires to become a neuroscientist or just someone interested in how our brains work. 

We’ve put together the Top 11 tips and suggestions for learning about neuroscience on your own.

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1. Begin With The Basics

Let’s start by laying a solid foundation. Learn the fundamentals of the nervous system first. This entails comprehending the nervous system, how it appears, and the fundamental functions of neurons, which are brain cells. You’ll benefit significantly from knowing these fundamentals.

2. Set Clear Goals

Consider your educational goals about neuroscience. Do you want an in-depth knowledge of how the brain operates, or would you rather have a more general understanding?

3. Make A Study Plan

Being organized is super important. Make a study schedule that details what you’ll learn and when. You can stay on track with this plan and avoid getting overwhelmed.

4. Use Online Courses

The internet is full of unique resources. You can take online courses that cover all sorts of neuroscience topics. Websites like Coursera, edX, and FutureLearn offer courses from top universities. It’s like having your virtual classroom!

5. Get Good Textbooks

While online resources are fantastic, remember good old-fashioned textbooks. Consider buying reliable neuroscience books like:

  • The Social Animal by David Brooks
  • Descartes’ Error
  • The Happiness Hypothesis
  • Consilience
  • The Blank Slate
  • Smart World

These books explain things in detail and make excellent references.

6. Explore Neuroscience Websites

There are websites dedicated to neuroscience that are full of valuable information. Websites like offer articles and interactive stuff to make learning fun and easy.

7. Read Scientific Journals

Read scientific journals to keep up with the most recent findings. On websites like PubMed and Google Scholar, you can find research papers. You can see what researchers are currently working on thanks to these papers.

8. Join Online Communities

Don’t learn alone—connect with fellow neuroscience enthusiasts on forums and social media groups. Websites like Reddit’s r/neuro and Stack Exchange’s Cognitive Sciences are great places to ask questions and share ideas.

9. Try Hands-On Activities

While reading is essential, doing practical activities can help you understand things better. Try simple neuroscience experiments at home. It’s a fun way to see how the brain works in action!

10. Experiment With Online Simulations.

Online Simulations and virtual labs, like video games, for learning about the brain. They let you play around with neurons and brain functions, making learning more interactive and fun.

11. Stay Motivated

Staying motivated while studying by yourself can be challenging. Set small goals to keep your enthusiasm high and reward yourself when you achieve them. Finding a study buddy or mentor who shares your interests can also keep you motivated and give you extra support.

In a nutshell, learning about neuroscience on your own can be both exciting and manageable. By following these 11 simple tips, you’ll understand the brain better and become a pro at self-directed learning. So, put on your imaginary scientist’s hat and dive into neuroscience with confidence and curiosity. Your brain will love you for it!

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Why You Should Study Neuroscience On Your Own

There are 5 reasons why you should study Neuroscience on your own:

1) Flexibility And Autonomy

The foremost benefit of self-studying neuroscience is its unmatched flexibility. You’re the captain of your educational ship, setting the course and pace. No rigid schedules or curricula bind you. This freedom allows you to tailor your learning experience to your preferences and unique needs, ensuring an engaging and comfortable journey.

2) Delve Deep Into Your Interests

Unlike structured classroom settings, self-study empowers you to explore the specific facets of neuroscience that truly pique your interest. Whether it’s the enigmatic world of neuroanatomy, the fascinating realm of cognitive psychology, or the cutting-edge field of brain-computer interfaces, you have the latitude to immerse yourself fully in what ignites your curiosity.

3) Boost Your Career Path

Self-studying neuroscience isn’t just a personal pursuit; it can significantly impact your professional life. It’s a testament to your initiative and commitment, highly valued by employers. This knowledge can become a prized asset, opening doors to exciting career prospects. Industries like healthcare, research, psychology, and artificial intelligence eagerly welcome individuals well-versed in neuroscience.

4) Personal Growth And Enhanced Empathy

Understanding the intricate workings of the brain isn’t just an intellectual endeavor; it’s a path to personal growth. As you unravel the mysteries of the mind, you also gain profound insights into human behavior, emotions, and decision-making. This newfound understanding can foster empathy, enriching your relationships with others by allowing you to comprehend their experiences and actions more deeply.

5) Sustained Intellectual Stimulation

Neuroscience is a field in perpetual motion, where discoveries continually expand the boundaries of human knowledge. Self-studying neuroscience promises consistent intellectual stimulation. It involves grappling with intricate concepts and theories, an exercise that keeps your mind agile and your curiosity alive. Each step of this journey promises rewarding mental engagement.

There is a unique set of advantages to studying neuroscience independently. You can study independently, pursue your interests in depth, and make career-related connections. It’s about evolving as a person and continuing to be curious.

It’s not just about books. Knowing about the brain involves more than just academics; it also involves creating new views of the world and oneself. So, don’t be afraid to dive in and study the fascinating field of neuroscience. It’s a journey unlike any other in times of self-discovery and improvement.

Is It Hard To Study Neuroscience?

Is It Hard To Study Neuroscience?

Yes, Neuroscience can be challenging. The core courses often involve subjects like biology, chemistry, and mathematics, which can be daunting for some. However, the rewards of studying neuroscience are immense. 

It provides a profound understanding of how the brain works, which is intellectually stimulating and has vast applications in fields like medicine, psychology, and even artificial intelligence.

1. Why Should I Be Interested In Neuroscience?

These are the reasons you should be interested in neuroscience. 

  • Knowing Yourself Better: Neuroscience helps you understand your thoughts and feelings, leading to self-discovery.
  • Healthcare Impact: If you want to work in healthcare, neuroscience is crucial for understanding and treating brain-related conditions.
  • Tech Advancements: It contributes to exciting technologies like brain-computer interfaces, changing how we interact with computers.
  • Shaping the Future: Neuroscience plays a role in AI, robotics, and machine learning, putting you at the forefront of innovation.
  • Everyday Life Improvements: It improves education, marketing, and user-friendly technology designs.
  • Diverse Opportunities: Neuroscience offers various areas to explore, from brain imaging to decision-making.
  • Contribution to Knowledge: You become part of a global community, adding to our understanding of the brain.
  • Lifelong Learning: Neuroscience constantly evolves, offering a lifelong journey of discovery and growth.

Neuroscience isn’t just about the brain; it’s about understanding yourself, making a difference in healthcare and technology, and being part of a fascinating journey of learning and discovery.

2. Neuroscience Courses And Their Specialty 

Cognitive NeuroscienceStudy of the neural basis of cognitive processes
Behavioral NeuroscienceInvestigating the neural basis of behavior
Computational NeuroscienceUsing mathematical models to study the brain
Educational NeuroscienceApplying neuroscience to enhance education
NeuroimagingTechniques for visualizing brain activity
Philosophy of MindExamining the nature of consciousness
NeuroethicsEthical issues related to neuroscience
Abnormal PsychologyUnderstanding and treating mental disorders
Cognitive PsychologyExploring mental processes and cognition
Clinical NeuroscienceApplying neuroscience to clinical practice
PsychopharmacologyStudy of drugs’ effects on the brain
NeuroanatomyStudy of the structure of the nervous system
Medical NeuroscienceFocus on neurological aspects of medicine
Neurobiology of Learning and MemoryStudy of memory formation and learning

What Is Computational Neuroscience

Imagine a field where we use computer science to understand how our brains work – that’s Computational Neuroscience!

  1. Mathematical Brain Models: In this world, scientists create mathematical models that act like computer simulations of the brain. These models help us explore and understand complex brain systems.
  2. Learning, Memory, and Decisions: These brain models help us figure out how our brains do amazing things, like learning new stuff, remembering important things, and making intelligent decisions.
  3. Real-World Uses: But it’s not just about studying brains for fun. Computational neuroscience has real-world uses. It’s a big deal in creating brain-computer interfaces (which let brains and computers talk to each other), advancing artificial intelligence, and doing crucial medical research.

So, computational neuroscience is like a bridge between our brains and computers, helping us uncover the secrets of our minds and using that knowledge to make cool stuff!

1. What Do Computational Neuroscientists Do?

Computational neuroscientists develop models that mimic brain processes, aiding in understanding phenomena such as learning, memory, and decision-making. They are pivotal in advancing our knowledge of neural networks and artificial intelligence.

2. 6 Examples Of Computational Neuroscience?

  1. Neural Network Modeling: This involves using computers to build models that mimic networks of brain cells. These models help us understand how brain cells collaborate to perform complex tasks like a team.
  2. Spiking Neuron Models: Picture examining one brain cell under a microscope. It’s akin to studying individual puzzle pieces to grasp how they fit into the larger picture of the brain’s operation.
  3. Machine Learning and Data Analysis: In this realm, scientists employ computers to make sense of vast datasets collected from brain studies. It’s akin to training a computer to recognize patterns in the data, revealing valuable insights into the brain’s functions.
  4. Neuroinformatics: Think of this as creating a specialized computer system designed to efficiently manage and organize all the data related to the brain. It acts like a digital librarian, ensuring brain research is stored, retrieved, and shared effectively.
  5. Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs): BCIs are a remarkable bridge between our brains and computers or machines. They enable our thoughts to directly control devices like computers or robotic arms, almost like a wizard’s spell.
  6. Neuro-Robotics: Neuro-robotics is the art of designing robots that operate similarly to our brains. It’s akin to crafting robots with the ability to think and learn from their surroundings, much like humans.

These distinct fields reveal how scientists harness the power of computers and technology to gain insights into the brain’s mysteries, ultimately leading to innovations that can enhance our lives.

3. Are There Any Free Online Courses For Neuroscience? 

Coursera’s “Fundamentals of Neuroscience” offers a comprehensive course on neuroscience fundamentals, covering topics from neurons to behavior. It’s a great starting point for self-learners.

edX’s “Introduction to Neuroeconomics”: This course combines neuroscience and economics, making it a unique and engaging way to explore the field. EdX offers a variety of other neuroscience-related courses as well.

What Is Cognitive Neuroscience?

What Is Cognitive Neuroscience

Cognitive neuroscience is a captivating field that combines psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science. It’s all about exploring how our brains work when thinking, remembering, making choices, or using language.

Think of cognitive neuroscientists as brain detectives. They use various tools and methods to look inside our brains and see what happens when we think, remember, make decisions, or talk.

Cognitive neuroscience helps us understand how our brains handle these mental activities. It’s like peering behind the curtain of our thoughts and actions to uncover the secrets of our minds.

  1. The Quest of Cognitive Neuroscience: Imagine cognitive neuroscience as a grand quest where scientists become explorers at the crossroads of understanding the human mind. They use specialized tools like brain imaging to venture into the intricate landscape of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
  2. Practical Impact: The discoveries made in cognitive neuroscience extend far beyond laboratories. They have practical applications in various aspects of our lives. For example, insights from cognitive neuroscience inform advancements in medical treatments, enhance educational methods, and improve the design of technology interfaces for easier use.
  3. Diverse Avenues of Exploration: Cognitive neuroscience is not a one-size-fits-all field; it’s a treasure trove of diverse research areas. Researchers delve into specific aspects of cognition and brain function, such as understanding how the brain processes language, exploring memory mechanisms, and unraveling the neural basis of decision-making.

2) Undergraduate Qualifications For A Career In Cognitive Neuroscience

Embarking on a career in cognitive neuroscience requires a solid educational foundation. Here’s a more detailed roadmap:

Choosing Your Path:

  • Select the Right Major: Your journey starts with choosing a college major that aligns with your interests and career goals. Psychology is an excellent choice if you’re fascinated by human behavior and cognition. 
  • Opt for neuroscience if you’re curious about the brain’s inner workings, and consider cognitive science for a broader perspective that combines psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, philosophy, and computer science.

Getting Hands-On

  • Engage in Research: While in college, seek opportunities to engage in research projects related to cognitive neuroscience. These hands-on experiences are invaluable, helping you develop essential research skills like data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

Mastering the Essentials:

  • Statistics and Research Methods: Statistical analysis and methodology proficiency is crucial for cognitive neuroscience. Courses in these areas equip you with the tools to design experiments and analyze data effectively.

Communication Skills:

  • Effective Communication: Being a cognitive neuroscientist involves communicating complex ideas clearly and understandably. Improve your writing and presentation skills to convey your findings to scientific and non-scientific audiences.

Considering Advanced Degrees:

  • Higher Education: While a bachelor’s degree can open doors to entry-level positions, many cognitive neuroscientists pursue advanced degrees, such as a master’s or Ph.D. These degrees provide opportunities for specialized research, teaching, and leadership roles in academia, research institutions, or industry.

Difference Between Neuroscience And Cognitive Science

While neuroscience and cognitive science are closely related, they differ in scope:


  • Biological Focus: Neuroscience primarily examines the biological underpinnings of brain function. It delves into how individual neurons work, the brain’s structure, and its intricate cellular and molecular processes.

Cognitive Science:

  • Broader Exploration: Cognitive science encompasses a broader range of topics, including psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and computer science. It’s like an expansive playground for studying all aspects of human cognition, thinking, and behavior.

In summary, cognitive neuroscience is an exciting journey into the inner workings of the human mind, bridging psychology, brain science, and the study of thinking. 

It has practical implications for our daily lives and offers diverse avenues of exploration. Pursuing a career in this field involves choosing the right educational path, engaging in research, mastering essential skills, and considering advanced degrees. 

While closely related, neuroscience and cognitive science differ in their focus, with neuroscience centered on the biological aspects of brain function and cognitive science exploring a broader spectrum of cognitive processes.


“Brain Science with Ginger Campbell”: This podcast explores the latest discoveries in neuroscience through interviews with prominent neuroscientists. It’s an excellent resource for beginners and those with more advanced knowledge.

“Neuroscientist Talk Shop”: This podcast delves into the nitty-gritty details of neuroscience research, featuring in-depth conversations with experts. It’s great for individuals looking for a deeper understanding of the field.

2) Can We Choose Neuroscience As A Hobby?

Absolutely! Neuroscience is not confined to formal education or careers. You can explore it as a hobby, gaining a deeper understanding of how the brain influences our experiences and behaviors. Delve into popular neuroscience books, podcasts, and online communities to connect with fellow enthusiasts.

3) How Can I Stay Motivated During Self-Study Sessions? 

Set Achievable Goals: Break your study material into manageable chunks and set specific, achievable goals. This can make your progress more tangible and satisfying.

Reward Yourself: Treat yourself to small rewards after reaching milestones or completing study sessions. Positive reinforcement can help maintain motivation.

Study Buddy or Mentor: Having someone to study with or a mentor to guide you can provide accountability and encouragement. Share your progress and challenges with them.

4) Is It Necessary To Have A Background In Biology To Study Neuroscience On Your Own? 

Not Mandatory: While a background in biology can provide a helpful foundation, it’s okay to start studying neuroscience. Neuroscience covers a wide range of topics, from cellular biology to psychology, and you can start at your level of knowledge.

Start with Basics: Begin with introductory materials and progress to more advanced topics as you become more comfortable with the fundamentals.

Resources: Utilize textbooks, online courses, podcasts, and research papers to build your knowledge. Feel free to ask questions and seek clarification when needed.

5) Do Neuroscientists Make Good Money?

Yes, neuroscientists earn a good amount of money. In the USA, a neuroscientist can easily make $100k to $150k per year.

6) Where Are Neuroscientists In Demand?

The neuroscientist is always in demand field. As time passes, more people will be born thus, more professionals will be needed for neuro disorders.


Learning neuroscience independently is an exciting journey that can offer profound insights into the human brain and its workings. Even though there might be difficulties, your perseverance and access to the right learning resources can give you the confidence to investigate this field independently. 

Your understanding of the world and yourself will improve whether you concentrate on computational neuroscience or cognitive neuroscience or pursue it as a hobby.

Remembering that the human brain is one of our body’s most intricate and fascinating organs and exploring its complexities is a lifelong adventure.

Martin Washington

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