What Is The Study Of Religion Ology? A Comprehensive Guide

12 minutes read
Oct 9, 2023

If you want to know more about Religion Ology, you are at the right place. In this latest post, we will explore:

  • What Is The Study Of Religion Ology?
  • What Are The 4 Types Of Theology?
  • 60+ Types Of Isms In Religion
  • What are the 10 doctrines?
  • Anthropological approaches to the study of religion

And many more that can be helpful for you. So, without any delay, let’s get started.

Key Takeaway

  • Religion Ology: It’s a multidisciplinary study exploring all facets of religion.
  • Four Types of Theology: Biblical, Systematic, Historical, and Practical theology offer diverse ways to understand faith.
  • Diverse Belief Systems: There are over 60 “isms” in religion, from Agnosticism to Universalism.
  • Ten Core Doctrines: These doctrines cover essential aspects of Christian belief.
  • Anthropological Insight: Anthropologists study how beliefs shape cultures and communities.

What Is The Study Of Religion Ology?

The Study of Religion ology, or the “science of religion,” is a multidisciplinary field investigating all aspects of religious phenomena. Its comprehensive approach to religion stands out, including history, culture, philosophy, and anthropology. Religion ology seeks to answer some of the most profound questions about human existence, spirituality, and belief systems.

Ology,” as a suffix, denotes a field of study or a branch of knowledge. In religious studies, it plays a pivotal role in categorizing and defining specific areas of inquiry.

Here are some notable “ologies” within religious studies

1) Angelology 

Angelology is a theological field that involves

  • Deeply exploring angels,
  • Encompassing their natural roles,
  • Even delving into the study of fallen angels (demons).

2) Anthropology 

In theological contexts, anthropology goes beyond the study of humans to explore profound questions about human origins, our relationship with God, and the fundamental essence of humanity.

3) Bibliology 

Bibliology, as a theological field, protects a comprehensive range of topics related to the Bible, including its relationship to the Christian faith, the methods of obtaining and maintaining it, translation, and helpful application in religious contexts.

4) Cosmology 

Within spiritual reflections, cosmology explores the origin and character of the cosmos, delivering wisdom into how other religious practices sense the cosmos and its place within the divine plan.

5) Christology 

Christology is a specialized theological field that delves into the nature of Jesus Christ, exploring his claims, roles, and significance within Christian beliefs and examining the apostles’ perspectives on Jesus.

6) Deontology

studies moral obligations in theology, guiding ethical decision-making rooted in religious teachings.

7) Doxology

comprises liturgical expressions and formulas of praise directed toward God, integral to religious rituals and worship in various traditions.

8) Ecclesiology 

Theological ecclesiology involves a comprehensive examination of the Christian Church, including its structure, doctrines, functions, and its profound impact on the lives of believers.

9) Epistemology

Within theological discussions, epistemology scrutinizes how individuals acquire and understand religious knowledge, distinguishing it from Belief or opinion, often considering faith, revelation, reason, and religious experience.

10) Eschatology 

As a theological field, Eschatology delves into profound concepts related to the end times, including prophecies, divine judgment, resurrection, and the ultimate destiny of humanity.

11) Etymology 

Etymology, when applied to theology, seeks to uncover the historical origins of religious terminology and how the meanings of religious words have evolved.

12) Hamartiology

Within theological discourse, Hamartiology explores sin’s nature and consequences, addressing questions about what constitutes sinful behavior and theories of atonement.

13) Missiology 

is the theological study of spreading religious beliefs across cultures, fulfilling missions as inspired by the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20.

14) Ontology 

Theological ontology investigates the nature of being, focusing on the divine, creation, and their interrelationships.

15) Patrology

Patriology focuses on the study of God, explicitly emphasizing the person of the Father within the Trinity, contributing to a deeper understanding of the divine nature.

16) Phenomenology

Phenomenology offers a method for understanding religion without judgment, striving to perceive the world as believers do, and exploring the experiential dimensions of religious life.

17) Pneumatology

The role of the Holy Spirit in religious beliefs is investigated, including its attributes, functions, and transformative impact on individuals and communities.

18) Pseudoetymology 

Pseudoetymology involves a false or misleading method of studying word origins, often used for rhetorical or polemical purposes, contrasting with legitimate etymological research.

19) Soteriology

Soteriology is the theological exploration of salvation through Jesus Christ, delving into the intricate redemption and spiritual deliverance processes.

20) Teleology

Within religious perspectives, Teleology seeks to unveil God’s purpose and design for the world and all that exists, including humanity’s role in fulfilling this divine plan.

21) Theology Proper 

Theology Proper is the in-depth study of the nature of God, examining divine attributes and characteristics, forming the cornerstone of religious faith and Belief in the divine.

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What Are The 4 Types Of Theology?

What Are The 4 Types Of Theology?

These are the 4 types of theology. 

1) Biblical Theology

Biblical theology is all about looking closely at the unique voices of the authors in the Bible. It helps us understand how they think about big questions about God and the relationship between God and people.

People who do biblical theology are usually highly implanted in their Christian faith. They even believe that the Bible was authored in a historical setting. They see the Bible as a choir of various voices working together to tell a larger story. 

Biblical theology helps us see how the Bible’s writers talk about God and our relationship with God. It’s like reading different book chapters to understand the whole story.

2) Systematic Theology

Systematic theology is a way of systematically organizing and understanding religious beliefs. It connects the dots between religious ideas using logic and reason, sometimes borrowing from philosophy and history. 

Its core belief is that the Bible holds all the knowledge we need to understand God and our relationship with Him, and it emphasizes that clear explanations can help us make sense of complex religious concepts. 

In essence, systematic theology provides a structured framework for comprehending and navigating religious beliefs logically and organized.

3) Historical Theology 

Historical theology studies how religious beliefs and practices have changed. It entails researching the writings of religious leaders from various eras, investigating their times’ social and political contexts, and even investigating significant religious events. 

This field emphasizes the significance of understanding religious beliefs’ historical and cultural context to grasp their true meaning. It also emphasizes the diversity of religious traditions by reminding us that spirituality has taken many forms throughout history. 

Historical theology offers a glimpse into the ever-changing tapestry of human faith and spirituality.

4) Practical Theology

Practical theology is all about putting religious beliefs into action in real life to make a positive difference. It focuses on assisting individuals and communities in practically living out their faith. 

Practical theologians address issues such as caring for others, fighting for justice, spreading their beliefs, and how churches can address societal issues such as inequality and poverty. 

They’re interested in how religion affects people’s lives and how it can improve the world. In practical theology, the community is vital because it is where people practice their faith and express their beliefs. 

Practical theology bridges the gap between religious theory and daily life by demonstrating how our beliefs can guide and enrich our actions and experiences.

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60+ Types Of Isms In Religion

No.TermSimplified Definition
1.Acosmismis the Belief that the material world is an illusion.
2.AdoptionismThe Father, Son, and Holy Spirit aren’t one substance.
3.AgnosticismUncertainty about first principles or the existence of deities.
4.AmillennialismThe Belief that Christ’s 1000-year reign is figurative.
5.AmyraldianismDenial of Limited Atonement in Calvinism.
6.AnimismThe Belief that natural phenomena have spirits.
7.AnnihilationismThe Belief is that the unsaved are destroyed, not eternally tormented.
8.AnthropomorphismAttributing human characteristics to God.
9.AntinomianismThe Belief that Christ died for all, not just the elect.
10.Arminianismis the Belief that saved individuals have no moral obligations.
11.AtheismThe Belief is that the unsaved are destroyed, not eternally tormented.
12.Biblical LiteralismInterpreting the Bible as primarily literal.
13.CalvinismBelief that God doesn’t exist (explicit) or lack of Belief (implicit).
14.CatholicismRoman Catholic faith and practice.
15.CessationismThe Belief is that the unsaved are destroyed, not eternally tormented.
16.CompatibilismThe theological system emphasizes God’s grace and predestination.
17.Continuationismis the Belief that charismatic gifts ceased after the apostolic age.
18.CreationismBelief in the divine creation of the universe or the soul.
19.Deismis the Belief that charismatic gifts continue in the Church.
20.DeterminismThe Belief that God created the universe but doesn’t intervene.
21.Dispensationalismis the Belief that charismatic gifts continue in the Church.
22.DocetismThe Belief is that free will and determinism can coexist.
23.DonatismHeretical Belief that Jesus only seemed to be in the flesh.
24.EclecticismHeretical Belief that Jesus was just a mere man.
25.EgalitarianismBelief that God’s promises to Israel don’t apply to the Church.
26.EmpiricismThe practice of adopting beliefs from various sources.
27.EutychianismThe Belief that external causes determine everything.
28.EvangelismSpreading the gospel through preaching or witness.
29.FatalismThe Belief that knowledge comes from empirical evidence.
30.FideismThe Belief that God predetermines all events.
31.FuturismBelieves that end-time prophecies are yet to be fulfilled.
32.GnosticismThe Belief that Jesus was a mixture of divine and human.
33.HenotheismAcknowledging other gods without worshiping them.
34.InfralapsarianismBelief in God’s predetermined steps for creation and salvation.
35.LegalismThe Belief that God predetermines all events.
36.Macedonianismis the Belief that good works save or maintain salvation.
37.ModalismThe Belief that the material world is imperfect and created in error.
38.Monergismis the Heretical Belief that God is revealed separately as Father, Son, or Holy Spirit.
39.Monophysitismis the Belief that Christ had one nature, not both divine and human.
40.Monothelitismis the Belief that Christ had one will, not two, corresponding to His nature.
41.NestorianismThe Belief that the Holy Spirit isn’t part of the Godhead.
42.NihilismThe Belief is that free will and determinism can coexist.
43.PaganismNon-Abrahamic or polytheistic religion or nature worship.
44.PanentheismBelief that God transcends nature but is dependent on it.
45.PantheismBelief that the universe is divine or a part of God.
46.PartialismSymbolic Memorial
47.PelagianismRejection of all religious systems or Belief in life’s meaninglessness.
48.PerennialismThe Belief is that the Lord’s Supper is purely symbolic.
49.Polytheism:Belief in and worship of multiple gods.
50.PostmodernismWorldview is skeptical of traditional beliefs and objective truth.
51.PremillennialismBelief in a future 1000-year reign of Christ on Earth.
52.PreterismThe Belief is that all religions share the same fundamental truths.
53.RelativismThe Belief that truth is relative to culture or individual perception.
54.Schism (The Great)Division of Catholicism in 1054 into Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic.
55.Supralapsarianismis Belief in God’s predetermined steps for creation and salvation.
56.Symbolic MemorialismThe Belief that God alone is responsible for regeneration.
57.Syllogismis the Process of forming conclusions from true premises.
58.SyncretismMerging beliefs from different systems to create a new one.
59.SynergismThe Belief is that eschatological prophecies are already fulfilled.
60.Textual CriticismStudy of ancient manuscripts to understand original texts.
61.TheismBelief in the existence of a god or gods.
62.Traducianismis the Belief that salvation comes from combining works and God’s grace.
63.Universalismis the Belief that the soul is conceived and born with the body.

What Are The 10 Doctrines?

These are the 10 Doctrines:

No.DoctrineBrief Explanation
1The Doctrine of GodUnderstanding God and His personality.
2The Doctrine of Jesus ChristBeliefs in Jesus, such as His divinity and humanity.
3The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit,Recognizing the Bible’s importance and authority.
4The Doctrine of ManThink about the purpose of humanity and our connection with God.
5The Doctrine of SalvationKnowing how we can be saved and reconciled to God.
6The Doctrine of the ChurchExamining the Christian church’s nature, purpose, and function.
7The Doctrine of the ScripturesRecognizing the Bible’s importance and authority.
8The Doctrine of AngelsThe role of angels in Christian theology is being researched.
9The Doctrine of SatanExamining the concept of Satan, a spiritual adversary.
10The Doctrines of the Last ThingsConsider what might happen at the world’s end and our future with God.

Anthropological Approaches To Studying Religion

Anthropologists who study religion do not attempt to prove whether it is correct or incorrect. They are more interested in how religious beliefs reveal what people believe about the world and our place in it. 

They observe rituals that use symbols and see how they unite communities, especially during crucial times. They also examine religious experts like priests, prophets, shamans, or spirit mediums. These experts often have essential roles in religion, politics, and the economy.

These studies have helped us understand religion better because they compare how it works in different cultures. They focus on things we usually associate with religion, like stories, ceremonies, special powers, beliefs about gods, things that are not allowed, and signs or symbols.


1) What Is The Theology’s Meaning In Greek?

The word “Theology” comes from the Greek language. In Greek, it is derived from “theology,” where “theo” means “God,” and “logy” means “study” or “discourse.” So, “theology” means the study or discourse about God and religious beliefs.

2) Does The Study Of Religion Only Look At Christianity, Or Does It Include Other Religions?

The study of religion includes many religions, not limited to Christianity. It encompasses examining various world religions, indigenous belief systems, and philosophical traditions, providing a comprehensive understanding of diverse faiths and spiritual practices.

3) Are There Online Courses Or Resources Available For Studying Religion?

Yes, there are numerous online courses and resources available for studying religion. Many universities offer online religious studies programs, and various websites provide free courses, articles, and videos to help individuals explore different aspects of religion and spirituality. These resources make it accessible to learn and deepen your understanding of religious topics from anywhere.

4) Can One Pursue A Career In The Study Of Religion, And What Job Opportunities Are Available?

Yes, you can pursue a career in the study of religion. This field offers various job opportunities, including teaching, research, counseling, interfaith work, advocacy, publishing, and more. It’s a diverse and rewarding path for those interested in exploring religious beliefs and practices.


Religion Ology is a multifaceted field delving into all aspects of religious phenomena. We explored four types of theology, over 60 religious “isms,” and ten core Christian doctrines.

Anthropological approaches help us understand how beliefs shape cultures. This guide offers a comprehensive view of religious studies, fostering respectful exploration of diverse faiths and highlighting the profound human quest for meaning and connection.

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